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BJ Leong-Holloway,

Founder and Owner

It all started when and my way …

Brenda grew up in Calgary owning loving animals from the tiniest of gerbils to and especially dogs while playing sports and studying music. BJ's heart glows as she thrives on serving, inspiring, motivating and encouraging others. Being a ski instructor, lifeguard, swimming instructor, a synchronized swimming coach combined with her Oil and Energy career reflects BJ's Pay It Forward value.

Running her Pawz, Padz, Plus pet and house sitting business while living her own financial road map drew out BJ's Pay It Forward ripple effect passions (Recovery, Inspiring, People, Persistence, Love, Energy, Empathy, Fulfilled, Friendship, Empowering, Comforting, Thankfulness).  Life is a wonderful journey and together we will build Pay It Forward communities which inspires future generations to help in humanitarian ways.

BJ enjoys walking and sitting friends’ dogs and the outdoors being a seasonal golf course turf care laborer.

Brenda Jean’s authenticity, compassion, reliability combined with her sparkly smiles leaves you with an exemplary customer service experience.


To serve and create Pay It Forward solutions celebrating humanity and animals.

1.       Pay It Forward community of pet owners donating time to pet organization (SCPA etc.) events.

2.       Pay It Forward community of non-pet owners donating time to various organizations (food bank, cancer, MS etc.) events.

3.       Pay It Forward community that supports interim housing:

a.       folks needing a place to stay due to unforeseen events, e.g. may have lost their jobs.

Calgary Police Background Check

Pet First Aid

$2 million liability, $10 K pet coverage